Tag Archives: Japanese Tsunami

The upside of street viewing


Google Street view is a Web-based technology that offers us a chance to travel to places worldwide that we may have otherwise never had access to. Privacy concerns about the tool have been a hot topic in the media since its creation in 2007, mainly due to the fact that Street view allows us to be onlookers to private situations without physically being in the vicinity. Prime examples were the cases involving men leaving strip clubs, men picking up prostitutes and women sunbathing. These personal activities were photographed and published online without their consent, which is definitely a cause for concern, but in no way a reason to dismiss the technology completely.

In my opinion all of the hype surrounding privacy breeches is warranted, but it may be standing in the way of people seeing the possibilities the Google Street View presents. A prime example is the use of the tool for monitoring and reporting on environmental and geographical issues. Journalists and general members of the public can raise public awareness using the tool to hone in on an area of interest from the comfort of their own home computer or with the convenient Google Street view app available to most smart phones.

As well as opening opportunities for investigation from outside parties, there have been accounts of Google using their own technology to raise awareness on environmental issues such as natural disasters. A perfect example was their documentation of the aftermath of the Japanese Tsunami where it photographed more than 27,000 miles of the effected areas, providing records of the destruction to these communities. With the information Google then created a ‘Memories for the Future’ website with before and after images to provide a permanent record of the disaster, and the long road to recovery. Without locative media such as Google street view this would be near impossible. 




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